Positivity Initiation

To raise your level of Positive Genius practice 5 skills as shown by Shawn Achor in Before Happiness.

Skill 5 – Positive Inception:
Transferring your Positive Genius to Others

You can amplify the effects of your own positive mindset by helping others gain one. 

Despite stark differences in personality between us, our brains our interconnected with what is known as a ‘mirror neuron’ network.  These are receptors in our brain that react to observed and performed behaviors.  We mimic the behaviors of others like a yawn, smile or frown.  In our day to day lives we encounter contagion in the form of boredom, excitement, joy or empathy.  Mindsets and perceptions can be transferred to others as we are all primed to be receptive.  As Shawn Achor says, “We are hard wired for inception”!

Capitalizing on this notion we not only cultivate our own positive genius, we sharpen this gift by transferring it to others and multiplying it.  Spread the seeds of positivity on fertile ground that is all around us and watch them proliferate.  It is easier to sustain our own positivity when others around us start to grow their own.  Positivity breeds positivity.
Strategy 1: Create a Success Franchise.
Come up with a positive thought pattern or behavioral change that is easily replicated and leads to success.  Then distribute the rights to your idea, so that others can follow easily. It causes a ripple effect.  An initial disturbance radiates outward like concentric circles of currents on a lake. It is joyfully contagious.  
Strategy 2: Rewrite the Social Script.
Edit an existing social or work script that has negative overtones and introduce positive suggestions. Increase your level of social influence. It requires strong messaging and immediacy. It also needs like-minded progressive people who agree with your idea so as to reach the tipping point of positivity and influence the sceptics.  Michelle Gielan, Positive Psychology Researcher promotes taking the Power Lead: starting your conversation on a simple, uplifting tone instead of complaint or gossip.   It sets the tone for an upbeat conversation. Body language, facial expression and tone of voice all make a difference. Know that non-verbal communication has a powerful impact.  
Strategy 3:  Create a shared positive narrative
Invite others to join the story telling by offering value and meaning.  Identify people who can champion your storyline.  Even people facing adversity can generate a culture of happiness and hope.  Focus on how they overcame their challenges and help them find meaning in the experience.  Engage the energy and outlook of these positive geniuses to spread your message.  The more others can identify with the champions, the more powerful the influence.  Replace cognitive dissonance with cognitive resonance.  People who stand to benefit the most from this positive reality will get on board and set the stage for productivity and happiness.
Like the old Sinatra song, “Start spreading the news…”

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