Pick the Reality of most Value to You

Raise your level of positive genius.  Practice 5 skills as shown by Shawn Achor in ‘Before Happiness’.

SKILL 1 – Reality Architecture: Choosing the most valuable reality
How to see multiple realities and choose the one that leads to positive growth
Strategy 1: Recognize alternative realities
You have the ability to choose your perspective (interpretation) of the facts in front of you.  Choose the view from any angle: front, side, above, or below.  Each perspective offers a slightly different reality.  Pick the lens that appeals to you the most and holds the greatest value. 

What seems obvious at first glance isn’t necessarily the absolute truth.  Our brain is hardwired to use shortcuts to deliver ‘the truth’ or facts.  When there is a traffic accident, there are as many eye witness reports as there are witnesses.  People are not trying to mislead authorities.  They are trying to be helpful from their personal perspectives. 
We could be bombarded with 11 million bits of information but we can only process 40 bits of information per second.  The brain chooses which ones to process.  Our given reality is a choice.  In that case, we are better off choosing the bits of information that can harness all 3 intelligences (IQ, EQ, SI) to really help us flourish.
Strategy 2: Add vantage points
Shift your position to look at the same reality from a different distance or depth. 
Vantage points are positions offering bigger, wider and longer views of the same scene.  Distance yourself by leaving the room and taking deep breaths.  Go home and sleep on it.  Discuss the issue with a peer.  Reflect on the situation over a cup of coffee on a park bench.  You hold both privilege and power to move your position.  Sometimes creating physical distance helps.  Sometimes taking a metaphorical aerial view helps.  You see possibilities that you didn’t know existed. 
Motivating your team by applauding their single-minded focus on the project, versus berating them for taking extra time to brainstorm, might depend on which approach you are adopting.  Do you see them as creative geniuses full of zest, or as slackers oblivious to time-sensitive reports?  Learn to walk away from habitual patterns to gain new vantage points. 
Strategy 3: Pursue the most valuable reality
The freedom is in recognizing that ‘your reality is not locked’.  It is not enough to know that a wide array of flavors and combination of beverages are offered at Starbucks.  You have to be able to pick the one that you relish the most.  It is not enough to simply know that multiple realities exist.  You have to be able to pick the one that will help you reach your highest potential.  Greater retention, engagement, productivity at work, better quality and longevity of life are all results of choosing more positive perspectives that add value to your life. 
Positive Psychology prepares you to pick the reality that is true, valid, helpful, growth-producing, and has the potential for the best outcome.    
Herein lies the unexpected gift.  The gems are laid out; hold each one under the light; turn it this way and that way; pick the one that speaks to you and holds the top value for you.  Which gem will you pick?

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