How you Relate at Work Part I

More companies are shifting their sights on improving their GNH in addition to their GDP.  Jane Dutton calls it the ‘social fabric’ of institutions.  It indicates how well the employees connect, create and collaborate. To foster a safe and trusting environment it is crucial to build healthy relationships.

Relationship Enablers are 2 key elements that leaders can cultivate. Authenticity:  You first grow self-awareness and learn to be true to yourself. Being genuine earns you trust and respect.  “Know yourself and be yourself.” 
Positivity: You then focus on the positive in the other person instead of scanning for negatives. 

The authors offer a useful matrix.       

High authenticity + Low Positivity = Driver
(highly motivated and action oriented but disregard for others)

Low authenticity + High Positivity = Pleaser
(focused on being liked by others but not being true to yourself | could manipulate others)

Low authenticity + Low Positivity = Detached
(being false and being mean or ignoring others)

High Authenticity + High Positivity = Benefactor
(concerned with the end and the means | empowering others) 

Ask yourself which mode do you tend to be in: Benefactor, Pleaser, Driver or Detached Mode?  The more you practice being authentic and positive at the same time, the more often you will be experienced as a benefactor!

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