Cultivate your Positive Genius

“If you want to create positive change in your life, you first have to change your reality.”  (Shawn Achor, Before Happiness, 2013)
There is so much clamor around IQ, EQ, and SI, that what we miss seeing is that this alphabet soup of all three intelligences is at our disposal to converge, draw upon, and put to optimal use. 

Intelligence quotient (IQ) assesses intelligence and our ability to solve problems based on standardized tests. Note: What is surprising is it is said to predict only 20% of success at work.

Emotional intelligence (EI / EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions in positive ways to overcome challenges.  It further enhances our success to create a fertile environment for positivity. 

Social Intelligence (SI) is the ability to understand, empathize with and relate to other people. This drives our positive relationships in life and at work.

“IQ teaches you what you need to do, EQ shows you how, and SI illuminates with whom.”  (Achor, 2013)

These three intelligences are the three sides of a triangle that are equally important for you to be successful at work and happy in life.  Just having these intelligences is not enough. You have to transform them into action to further raise your potential.  For you to draw upon all three intelligences, you need to transform this two dimensional triangle into a three dimensional prism of positive genius.  The height of the center (4th leg) is your underlying reality.  The height gives you the vantage point to look at multiple realities around you. 

Examples of multiple realities: Glass is half empty | Glass is half full | There is a pitcher full of water on the table to refill your glass anytime. You can choose the pessimistic outlook, or the optimistic outlook, or the bigger possibility outlook.  You decide which reality is the most valuable to serve you at that given moment in time.  If you pick the one that optimizes your potential for success you increase your positive genius.  Your mindset drives behavior which in turn leads to desirable outcomes. 

Keep this sequence in mind: Before potential there is motivation  →  Before motivation there is emotion  → Before emotion there is your reality.  Remember, there is more than one reality.  Broaden your perspective to scan your realities and decide which one you wish to act upon.

Change your reality and you will enhance your positive genius.

You decide which reality is ripe for the picking to yield the best fruit for you!

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