Cancer Coaching

What is Cancer Coaching?

As a cancer survivor I am passionate about offering Coaching to people touched by cancer

How Many People Alive Today Have Ever Had Cancer?
American Cancer Society states more than 18 million Americans with a history of invasive cancer were alive on January 1, 2022, most of whom were diagnosed many years ago and have no current evidence of the disease (NED). Great News: Survival Rate continues to rise!

This is the marvel of medical science and health professionals. Now, instead of being a passive recipient of oncological services, what if you enter the conversation with your very own set of resources? When you walk in with an arsenal of vetted tools for self-healing, you become an active participant. It multiplies the effectiveness of treatment and probability of the best possible positive outcome. Having experienced that personally I am a staunch believer. I invite you to reclaim your cancer journey with a firm sense of self-agency. As your Coach, I partner with you to navigate the rough terrain that lies ahead of you, using the proven tools of the science of Positive Psychology.