Build your Character Muscle

Photo by Rahabi Khan on Unsplash

The core concepts or the three pillars of Positive Psychology are:
Positive Experiences | Positive Individual Traits | Positive Institutions

  • study and understanding of positive emotions
  • study and understanding of personal character strengths  
  • study and understanding of strengths that foster better communities

The middle pillar of Positive Individual Traits  is an emerging science of the nature of character strengths.

The VIA Institute (Values in Action Institute on Character) was founded in 1999 by Dr Neal Mayerson and Dr Martin Seligman.  “Our physical powers were far outstripping our psychological readiness.”Dr. Mayerson says about the VIA Institute’s Mission (Nov 21, 2017). “On the psychological front it would be hard to argue that we have matured to be more wise, humane, just, courageous, spiritual or temperate in our behavior than our forebears.”

Only 20-30% of us meet the definition of flourishing.  Why is that?  We have raced ahead at lightning speed in so many domains, medical, technological, physical, outshining our ancestors, and yet we remain slow in the domain of psychological wellness.  

“An individual’s character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave. We express our character strengths universally across all domains. Knowing and applying your highest character strengths is the key to you being your best self.”  
~ © VIA Institute on Character

Why Character Strengths?
You may well ask if you are already familiar with some of your good qualities, either inborn or bred, ones you know you possess, or ones others have seen in you, why would you spend time studying them?

It is to clarify who you are at your best! It is to learn how to leverage those top notch qualities to cultivate others that are on the lower rung of the ladder, to further grow and enhance them, to apply them wisely, and furthermore to find your strengths zone or optimal expression of your signature strengths. 

The Pillar of Positive Individual Traits stands on 3 fundamental principles:
Apply evidence based tools | Build practical skills | Support Inner Wisdom

Identifying the Golden Mean of your Character Strengths serves many purposes.

  • Achieving Goals
  • Building Careers
  • Navigating Challenges
  • Strengthening Relationships
  • Cultivating Mindfulness
  • Growing Happiness

Dr. Ryan Niemiec, author, psychologist, University of Pennsylvania, and Education Director of the VIA Institute (Values In Action Institute on Character) leads the latest science on character strengths.

“Character strengths are an imperative right now in this world. They are not a luxury, a trivial thing, or “something nice”; they are tough-loaded, resilience-based, and crucial at times of adversity. And all of your strengths matter.” ~ Dr. Ryan Niemiec

Take the VIA Survey and identify your Signature Strengths so that you can begin to flourish in life!

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