
Cultivate the Art and Master the Act
of Life – Work Flourishing

Turning Force Logo_1a

Activate your Turning Force
on the Lever of Possibility

Shift the Pivot of your Mindset
to lift your Vision to Reality


  • Activate your turning force (personal power)
  • Shift your mindset (belief system)
  • Lift your vision (dreams and goals) into reality

Vision:  To spread the gift of Positive Psychology far and wide so that everyone may flourish

Mission:  To take the science of Positive Psychology out of books and put in your pocket for quick access, easy understanding, and ready use as practical applications to maximize your potential of leading a fulfilling and meaningful life

Method:  Providing Co-Active Coaching grounded in Positive Psychology 

Positive Psychology is both the foundation and the bulwark of a thriving society

It is uplifting, hope giving and energizing. 
It is rooted in empirical, scientific research. 
It is valid and reliable. 
Juxtaposed to its lightness is its concreteness. 
Its applications are easy, workable and achievable.  

Sushama Kirtikar
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Certified Mentor Coach
Professional Certified Coach – ICF

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Confident Humility

The path from dreams to success does exist.
May you have the vision to find it,
the courage to get on to it,
and the perseverance to follow it.” ~ Kalpana Chawla

The first woman of Indian origin to fly to space
American astronaut & Aerospace Engineer
Space shuttle Columbia, 2003